Huntington Library - First Half

top, Primark; shorts, F21; shoes, converse

I finally managed to upload the photos from Huntington Library... My motive was to make sure to see the lotus flowers that I missed when I went the year prior. It is as serene and gorgeous as the pictures make it out to be. If you have a student id, it'll cost you ten dollars (twenty without) to trek around, but I guarantee you won't be disappointed. Make sure to take a camera. I would suggest eating at Boiling Crab or Lee's Sandwiches which are right nearby either before or after. After being highly amused with the way the ducks were plunging their heads in the water, one finally came out of the water to taunt me. I'll post some more pictures if these alone haven't enticed your interest. I have nothing planned for Labor Day weekend despite the fact that I was counting down the days for the long weekend... any ideas?


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